Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Why is Water so Important to our Health

Drinking water is one of the most simple, yet important steps you can take with regards to your health. Not only does water play a role in nearly every bodily function, from cushioning your joints to removing waste from your body, adequate water consumption is crucial to good health. Almost every cell in your body needs water to function properly. Drinking enough water makes everything function at optimal levels. When we don’t keep our bodies well hydrated, they may react with a variety of signals.

Some of these include:

• Fatigue
• Headaches
• Constipation
• Dry Skin

Over the long term, dehydration can affect kidney function, digestion, or blood pressure. Without ample water intake the pancreas is less efficient, acids in the stomach are not properly neutralized and the functions of the intestines are inhibited. Water is just what the body needs. Not only as a source of energy but also as a vital aid to help cleanse the body and ensure that every cell in the body functions properly.

It is believed that 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. In some, the thirst mechanism is so weak it is mistaken for hunger. Obviously if you are trying to lose weight, water intake is important. Actually, water is the single most important catalyst in losing weight and keeping it off. And if you have water weight, it may seem strange, but to get rid of the excess water, you must drink more water.

Water also helps with digestion and keeps you from overeating. If you are not drinking plenty of water, you will probably eat more to satisfy your body’s need for water.

Spring or filtered water is your best choice, as tap water contains chlorine and possibly fluoride that can cause dire consequences for your health. Some folks add minerals to distilled water and believe it's the way to go. But for us the jury is still out on distilled water.

Generally, the recommended water intake is one quart to every 50 lbs of body weight. Therefore, an average 150 lb person should drink three quarts of water a day. But don’t confuse water consumption with fluid consumption.

Soda and coffee are not acceptable substitutions. Caffeine causes increased urine production and acts as a dehydration agent. These drinks can actually cause the body to lose water making proper hydration more difficult to obtain.

You may also want to begin drinking your water at room temperature if possible, as ice cold water can actually harm the delicate lining of your stomach.

Drink up as you continue your quest for True Healthy Living Now!

You may be wondering WHY I have posted an article about water on my Limu blog...Welllll.....Water is so important to the state of our health, that I felt it was appropriate to share this vital information, since after all, we are here to learn about becoming healthy and Whole....

Drink Limu 4 Life!


Monday, August 27, 2007

The Key to Freedom

The Key to Freedom with TLC

Based in Florida, The Limu Company is the creator of the Limu category and by far the dominant force in this new market. Privately-owned and debt-free, TLC is gueled by a world-class team of corporate leaders and independent Distributors. It is an acknowledged authority in the industry, bringing opportunity and new hope to people in an ever-expanding list of markets around the world

Entrepreneur's Dream

TLC helps entreprenurs make their dreams come true using the most powerful business model in the world. Distributors create a new level of success using the power of personal contacts combined with the impact of word-of-mouth marketing. The TLC Opportunity provides you with many advantages that are not associated with a job or traditional business.......

  • No Bodd
  • No Payroll or Overhead
  • No Inventory Requirements
  • No Complicated Bookkeeping
  • No Geographical Restrictions
  • Incredibly Low Start-Up Costs
  • Home-based Tax Advantages
  • Set Your Own Hours
  • Proven System of Success
  • Unlimited Earning Potential

With TLC, you can reach your maximum potential and make your dreams come true. If you're determined to change your life, the possibilities are limitless!

Take Back control of your life!!!!

Drink Limu 4 Life!!!!!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Limu Lesson # 7 - Nature's Gift to Your Immune System!

Limu Lesson #7 -
Looks Good, Tastes Good

Countless people of every age around the world enjoy the life-enhancing benefits of Original LimuTM , Even children love it, It's amazing what a difference just 2 to 4 ounces a day can make. The tropical blend of mango, papaya, apple and pear is delicious to the palate. Savor just one sip and you'll know it's not only good for you, it's just plain good.

Health Benefits

  • More restful sleep
  • More energy
  • Improved joint mobility
  • Healthy immune function
  • Healthy cell growth
  • Healthy gastrointestinal function
  • Healthy blood glucose levels
  • Healthy cholesterol levels
  • Smoother, softer skin
  • Consistently good health
  • Feelings of general well-being
  • And much more

"In my 19 years as a physician, I have never seen anything help people improve the quality of their lives as dramatically as Original Limu.TM" - Donna Antarr, MD

No Added Sugar No Artificial Colors

No Artificial Sweetners No Artificial Flavors

Original Limu (TM) is not a drug and it has not been evaluated by the FDA. It is simply a dietary supplement and is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness or disease. While your body may experience amazing positive health responses when you feed it the right nutritional building blocks, and there is indeed reliable scientific evidence supporting the beneficial effects that limu's ingredients have on the immune system and numerous other biological functions, there is insufficient scientific evidence to support some of the specific therapeutic results reported by users of the product. We therefore promote the product for its benefit on the immune system but we do not, and you must not, promote the product on the basis that it will cure, prevent or treat any disease.

Drink Limu 4 Life!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Limu Lesson 6 - Immune Support

Limu Lesson 6 -
Immune Support

Perhaps the most important of Fucoidan's many biological benefits is that of immune support.

Nowadays, your immune system has to work harder than ever because your body is continually bombarded by pollution, chemicals in food, and resistant to bacteria and viruses. For many people, the situation is made worse by a poor diet, lack of sleep and stress. The harder your immune system has to work, the more fuel it needs. A faulty immune system can lead to an endless number of diseases and other health issues.

"Whether or not a person contracts any disease of illness
has less to do with their exposure to that
disease or illness and much more to do with
how effectively their immune system is
functioning at the time they are exposed."
- World Health Organization

Fucoidan gives your immune system the extra support it needs to identify and fight off harmful invaders and maintain optimal health.

Drink Limu 4 Life

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Limu Lesson # 5 - Scientifically Proven

Limu lesson # 5 -
Science Supports Limu

To date, Fucoidan has already been cited in more than 670 independent, unsolicted, third-party scientific studies. These studies validate Fucoidan's wide array of healthful benefits and life-sustaining properties.

Beginning in 1970, studies have been published in a long list of prestigious medical journals around the world, including:

  • Anticancer Research
  • Infection and Immunity
  • The British Journal of Pharmacology
  • Nutrition and Cancer
  • Development Biology
  • The Journal of Molecular Immunology
  • Journal of Neuroimmunology
  • Antibiotics and Chemotherapy
  • Journal of Medicinal Food
  • Arthritis and Rheumatism
  • Planta Medica Journal

Based on the extensive scientific research already available in the U.S. National Library of Medicine's website at www.pubmed.gov Fucoidan may just be the most powerful immune-supporting nutrient ever discovered.

Folks, if you are serious about your health and welfare, you owe it to yourselves to check out this amazing super food. I know there are many nutritional supplements out there on the market today, Limu, is the ONLY product which contains the Purest form of Fucoidan from the Tongan Islands. I am available to discuss this with you further.

Drink Limu 4 Life!




Monday, August 20, 2007

Limu - Lesson 4 - A True Super Food

Lesson 4 - A True SuperFood

For thousand of years, native Tongans enjoyed the benefits of Limu. Today, modern science confirms what they have always known. In study after study, scientific proof exists of the power of Fucoidan in Limu, and it gains more and more attention each year.

In it's natural form, LImu offers remarkable nutritive,
immune-building and disease-fighting properties.

A True Super Food

Limus is a Super Food that is loaded with more than essential nutrients, including:

  • Vitamins
  • Essential Fatty Acid
  • Minerals Polyphenols
  • Antioxidants
  • Glyconutrients
  • Amino Acids
  • Alginate
But of all the beneficial nutrients found in Limu, the most powerful is Fucoidan.

The Secret is Fucoidan

This powerful naturally-occuring compound is found in its greatest concentration in Limu from Tonga, more abundant there than anywhere in the world. Importantly, Fucoidan is NOT found in any fruit or land-based plant, vegetable, or grain. It only comes from the sea......and Limu from Tonga is the richest source of Fucoidan in the World.

Drink Limu 4 Life!


Sunday, August 19, 2007

Limu - Lesson 3

Lesson 3 - True Wellness from the South Pacific Seas

A Natural Remedy

The Search for natural remedies has been sought throughout the world since the beginning of time. Ancient peoples and scientists alike have sought healing substances found in nature. It is a true miracle to find an undiscovered nutrient with superior nutritional value.

Limu is that Miracle gift.....from the sea.

The Miracle of Limu

This natural miracle is both extraordinary legend and proven science. Known scientifically as Sphaerotrichia divaricata, Limu is a rare brown sea plant that soaks up literally every beneficial nutrient naturally found in the ocean waters of Tonga. Among sea plants, it is regarded by scientists as the crown jewel of nutrition.

Limu Facts

  • A tropical brown sea plant
  • Scientifically known as Sphaerotrichia divaricata
  • Member of the group of sea plants nown as Phaeophyta
  • Consists of many tendrils growing to an average of 18 inches
  • Has a golden brown color with a rubbery, slippery texture
  • Grows in dense aquatic forests in shallow waters
  • Replenishes itself naturally when harvested
  • May be eaten raw or cooked
  • Tongan Limu is nutritionally superior to similar species found in other locations
  • Tongan Limu is the richest source of Fucoidan

Drink Limu 4 Life!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Limu Lesson 2

Lesson 2 - Origins

For over 3,000 years, generations of Tongans have been awed by the legendary health benefits of the wonderous sea plant known as LImu. Harvested from pristine waters, Limu has been used as a staple int eh Tongan daily diet and in folk medicine to treat a number of ailments.

Somewhere around 1,000 B.C., when Polynesian explorers from Fiji first reached the South Pacific Islands of Tonga, they encountered an unusual sea plant they named Limu. Nourished by the virgin ocean waters, Limu grew profusely, as it still does today.

Upon discovering the life-enhancing benefits of this amazing new food, the native Tongans came to regard LImu as their ocean's most precious gift, making it an essential part of their diet. Folk healers used it to treat a litanyof conditions including intestinal woes, infections, skin problems, as poultices on cuts and abrasions, and overall well-being. Natives revered the plant as their secret to good health and vitality. Harvesting it became a time-honored tradition. Tongans have a saying that "The key to nofo fiefia (living happily) is Limu."

If you are interested in learning more about the health benefits to drinking this superfood, feel free to visit our websites.

Drink LImu 4 Life!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Special Limu Promotion! Join Now! The Next Trillion Dollar Industry

Paul Zane Pilzer says the Wellness Industry will be the next Trillion Dollar Industry! Why wait? Limu has launched a big new promotion called Double Dollar Days

Beginning August 1 through October 31, 2007, we're enhancing our Dive for Five Pool. We have DOUBLED the size of the Pool from 2% to 4% and DOUBLED the number of shares you can earn. Earn twice as much … just in time to put some money in your pocket for the holidays.

Dive for 3 - 0 Shares Dive for 3 - ½ Share
Dive for 5 - 1 Share Dive for 5 - 2 Shares
3-Pack Dive - 2 Shares 3-Pack Dive - 4 Shares
6-Pack Dive - 3 Shares 6-Pack Dive - 6 Shares

DOUBLE your DOLLARS in time for the holidays. Start today!

What does this mean for you????????????????? MONEY & Improvement in Health!!!!!!!!!
It means an quick, easy & simple way for you to build your business and reap the rewards! And for all of you who have a desire to stay at home and raise your children, this is an Opportunity of a Lifetime! Don't let it pass you by!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If any of you are interested in learning more, send me a message and we can chat about these endless possiblities....

Don't Wait, Don't Hesitate.......I call for all those who are willing to stand and Answer the Call, to

Face the Challenge

With Love and LightTami


Monday, August 6, 2007